Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Research Journals and Interview Reminder

Remember, research progress assessment interviews begin next week. Next Monday (February 9th) you will be able to access the interview questions via this website and be given an overview of the research process and symposium requirements.

Have you established a “Research” folder in your Google Drive biology turn-in folder and created a general journal file in this folder?

What topics have you added to your “Research Radar” file/list so far?

What kinds of information/notes are you recording in your research journal? How often are you making entries in your research journal?


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Welcome to the 2015 Science Research and Symposia Project for Mr. Bursch's Biology 1-2 and Honors Biology 1-2 Classes

This semester, beginning in February, students will receive a series of lessons on performing formal research, conduct research at this level on some topic in which they are personally interested, and then select one of the topics they have been researching to use as the basis for creating an interactive presentation of some type to deliver to the class. Presentations should last at least 30 minutes and will require the student to, with my guidance, fully prepare all supporting materials. Preparation will include fully researching all relevant aspects of the selected topic, designing and developing all components of the presentation, and reviewing the completed presentation with the teacher at least one week in advance of the scheduled delivery. The presentation will need to include an agenda with objectives, an interesting introduction and explanation of topic (concepts and vocabulary), checks for understanding, at least one opportunity to practice using the information the student has presented, a reinforcing activity of some kind, and a written assessment to be completed by the class at the conclusion of the presentation. The presentation will be primarily led by the student presenter(s), with the teacher mainly serving as a lifeline in case a presenter finds him/herself in a situation they are unable to handle alone.

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